Thursday, October 18, 2012

Assignment 3 Submission

The selected precedents of Zaha Hadid’s Guangzhou Opera House and
Morphosis’ Cooper Union Building has inspired the design and concept behind the Stream Building.
Hadid and Morphosis apply the form of fragmented or “non uniform” blocks to create distinctive architecture both externally and internally. The design is disoriented in comparison to the strerotypical box shape building. The architectures have steel structures that stream upwards and sideways along the buildings like a net that gives the buildings a sense of fluidity and flow internally. This has been incorporated in Stream externally to emphasis the concept of fluidity. Hence the name of the proposed building.
The Guangzhou Opera House and Cooper Union Building are designed for the use of creativity and education. Taking this into consideration from the influenced architects, Stream has applied both purposes into one with spaces utilised for a library, auditorium, multipurpose spaces and a lounging area on the top floor.
The outdoor exhibition area plays the role of a public auditorium. Ground floor caters for the library, first floor holds a multipurpose vicinity while seconds floor is a lounge area where a potentional restaurant can be opened with the view of the city landscape. Both first and second floor have outdoor stair access.
Poster A                                  Poster B                               Renders A and B



Week 9

Like Zaha hadids burnham pavilion, I want my building to sit somewhat on a flat surface besides the
city landscape or hugged within a city centre. Just like the internal “mesh” structure in both Zaha
Hadid’s Guangzhou Opera House and Morphosis’ Cooper Union Building wraps within itself.


Libarary with exhibition
multipurpose spaces and retail space
Tutor feedback
Jackie advised me to use the nurbs curve tool to create more free flowing structure to represent Haadid’s work more accurately  


Week 8 - Design Proposal marked off

Peer feedback from class completed with Elah


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Week 7 - Establishing the Basis for a Concept Design

My selected precedents are Zaha Hadid’s Guangzhou Opera House and
Morphosis’ Cooper Union Building.

My design brief:
Academic building with exhibition, auditorium, lounge, multipurpose spaces and retail space

Preliminary concept Designs



Week 6 - My Building Idea

Types of buildings to create:

1. Opera House
2. Academic building with exhibition, auditorium, loung, multi purpose spaces and retail space

3. Museum/ Performance centre

Week 6 - Comparitive Visual Analysis

Zaha Hadid: Guangzhou Opera House        Morphosis, Cooper Union Building
Guangzhou Opera House Interior                Cooper Union Interior

Guangzhou Opera House Structure              Cooper Union  Structure


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Assignment 2

Assignment Link:
The Artwork: Indefinite
Fluidity and Impressionism is the feel that Hadid  portrays in her architecture. I have combined these two elements into my own interpretations of Zaha Hadid’s work to create a structure that  flows in an unpredictable manner and almost impossible to build, this is where the impressionistic architecture comes in.  My  model has levels but leads to nowhere. The space can be used for whatever purpose one feels their mind should take them to and that the impression one gets when entering Hadid’s Architecture. Its “Indefinite”.





3DS Animation
BuildAR Augmented Reality


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Week 4 - Technical Evaluation

My biggest problem encountered when transferring my exported 3ds file onto BuilAR was the colouration. My model was washed out white. I set all the materials as standard 3ds colours but for some reason it wasn’t showing up on BuildAr. After a long struggle I decided to open a new 3ds project attempt coloring a simple object and exporting it into BuildAr. That end up working fine and the video below shows that demonstration. I went back to my original Assignment and tried to colour the objects again and when I exported it, it had finally worked. Another problem started. Some objects wernt being coloured in 3ds max but i solved this when i discovered I had multiple copies of an object located in 1 place

Week 4 - BuildAR Demo

Week 4 - Storyboard

Week 4 - Digital Conceptual Model Refinements

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Week 2 - Assignment 1

Assignment 1 – The Concept Composition
Here is a link:

Week 2 - Disconfiguring Space (Posters)

Week 2 - 3DS Max Renders

Week 2 - 100 Word Reflection

I’ve translated the 2D archetypes into 3D concepts by using the two main focuses that Hadid sets down when creating a building. She focuses on fluid movement and impressionistic work. Her buildings flow in a way that in a single viewport perspective, she confuses space. She reassembles walls, ceilings and right angles to multiple perspective points and creates fragmented geometry to represent the chaotic fluidity of life. She turns her impressionistic artworks, into literal buildings and for my folded models I attempted to create this fluidity then translate her art into a literal 3d model to represent her impression.

Week 2 - Second Animation (draft)

I have attempted to render this animation twice but 3DS keeps crashing for some reason, so I am unable to post the rendered animation, this is however the preview unrendered.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Week 2 - 3DS Max Draft

After the Discussion with my tutor, this is  the draft render that I came up with to represent fluid movement and impressionistic architecture.

Week 2 - Discusion with Tutor

Along with further discussion with my tutor, it was reccommended for me to change the reference building to the MAXXI because it had more concept sketches and can be played with more than the Burnham Pavillion.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Week 1 - First Attempt of 3ds Animation

The first attempt of a 3ds animation

Looking at the result of my animation, a lot of tweaking needs to be done to the design and lighting of the architecture because edges, corners etc are very unclear. Animation wise, I think for a first time it’s not too bad. It isn’t so hard to create the animation. More time however needed to focus on texture, lighting and rendering.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Week 1 - Object 2 : MAXXI

Based on the abstraction of the building through the pictures
Approach: recurring shapes (curving loops)
Made by folding, cutting and slitting paper to create loop figures.

Week 1 - Folded Object 1: Burnham Pavillion

Based on the abstraction of the building through the pictures
Approach: spatially, structurally, surface.
Paper  fold reference:

In order to create the boat shape, I followed these instructions

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Week 1 - Zaha Hadid - MAXXI: Museum of XXI Century Arts

MAXXI: Museum of XXI Century Arts, Rome, Itally
MAXXI supercodes the notion of the museum as ‘object’ or – presenting a field of buildings accessable to all, with no firm boundary between what is ‘within’ and what is ‘without’. Central to this new reality are confluent lines – walls intersecting and separating to create interior and exterior spaces.

Composition and Concept
MAXXI integrated itself with its surrounds, through the flow of its walls it defines major streams (the galleries) and minor streams (interconnections and bridges) in a L-shaped footprint which in this context becomes ‘liberation’ – a freedom to bundle, twist and turn though existing buildings.
MAXXI expresses itself through glass, steel and cement – delighting in neutrality, achieving great curatorial flexibility and variety. To wander through, to experience this place – these places – is the encounter constantly changing vistas and surprises.

Conceptual sketch

